SuperMatch continues growth with a Northwards trajectory

With so many franchise Head Quarters based in the North, it was only natural that Franchise SuperMatch launched a dedicated recruitment hub within the Greater Manchester area, to ultimately facilitate the need for meeting prospective franchisees based within this part of the country.
Franchise SuperMatch, the leading franchise recruitment agency, that has successfully recruited franchisees since the start of 2017, is delighted to announce the expansion of its leading recruitment agency with the addition of its second office based in Manchester, England.

The new recruitment hub will continue to incorporate and grow Franchise SuperMatch’s ever-expanding recruitment and consultancy philosophy. The launch will present an opportunity for Franchisors and prospective franchisees alike to choose either the Manchester or Norwich office when seeking assistance with growing a franchise network or purchasing a franchise respectively. Head of SuperMatch, John Brooks will oversee the launch with the assistance of the new Franchise Lead account manager Liam Brown, who will help provide assistance with franchise lead handling for the SuperMatch portfolio of clients.
Head of Franchise SuperMatch, John Brooks says:
“We are all thrilled about the upcoming launch of our new office. We have existing clients in the North area whose needs will be better serviced by having an office on their doorstep.”
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