More family time needed? No problem! A cleaning franchise will allow for all the family time in the world!
How was your day?
If you're like millions of other parents around the world, you kissed your children and left the house to spend hours in traffic. At the end of the day, when they rushed out of school to proudly show off their latest drawing, you weren't there in the playground to see it.
You missed out on a family dinner. Did you even make it home in time for a bedtime story?
Parents are missing out on family time because they need to make ends meet. They're constantly trying to find a balance between earning enough money and being there for their children. Too often, earning money takes priority.
Could owning a cleaning franchise give you more time as a family?
Flexible working hours! And you work from the comfort of your own home!
If you run a Time For You franchise, then you're in charge of your own working schedule. Work only when the kids are at school, or settle down for a few hours in the office once they're safely tucked up in their beds.
You could be there for dinner on a Friday, with everyone around the table sharing what's happened during the week. You could be there on Monday morning, dropping them at the school gates.
Have a happier home life
Even when you're around, are you truly present?
So many of us are expected to be on call, answering our phones whenever our managers need us or worrying about deadlines when we're away from the office. All of these stresses affect our mood, stretching into the time that we have with our precious little ones.
A happier home life could start with a Time For You cleaning franchise. Stop working for someone else.
Earn a good income to support your family
Time For You franchises are cleaning more than 25,000 homes every single week! There's a constant demand for cleaning services, which means that there will always be money coming in.
A Time For You cleaning franchise will bring money to the table so that you can enjoy extra free time with loads more money to do all kinds of fun things. You can promise your children exciting day trips, memorable holidays and precious moments free from distracting money worries.
Break free from set shifts, expensive childcare costs, long hours working away, or a stressful day job.
You can earn a comfortable income with your own Time For You franchise. Now, you can provide for your children whilst still having time to watch them grow.
You're also free from franchise royalty fees. Grow your customer base and build your income, with more time than ever for your family.
Please click here for further information on the Time For You Franchise Opportunity