Local Franchise Opportunities in Glasgow
Why should I launch my Franchise within the franchise territory of Glasgow?
Glasgow is a fantastic location to not only live within, but to also use as a base to launch a new business or franchise. Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland and has recently experienced mass regeneration within the area. The regeneration scheme within the city of Glasgow has witnessed huge investment into its infrastructure and systems, and specific emphasis being placed on the developments to the Clyde Gateway and Creative Clyde areas. Over recent years Glasgow has positioned itself as one of the key players for tech start-ups and is even starting to rival that of London. With affordable housing and office space, does this make Glasgow the ideal franchise territory to launch within?
Glasgow has recently received significant investment to help the future of Glasgow, after it was awarded the ‘Smart City’ status, that came with an additional £24m. Glasgow Council have been vocal in the way in where they’re allocating the funds to improve the following areas;
- App for reporting issues (potholes & bin collections etc)
- CCTV Link ups to traffic management
- Installation of analytical software & security cameras across the city to help prevent crime
Glasgow is a fantastic city to look at for launching your franchise as it’s continuously looking to regenerate and improve the area for both local businesses and residents alike.
Travel Links
Glasgow hosts the Glasgow International Airport is just a 15-minute commute from the city centre. The M8 Motorway links to Edinburgh and Abington. Glasgow have also introduced the £40m Fastlink bus transportation system and the subway network has also recently witnessed modernisation to enhance it’s efficiency.

Commercial Space to launch the franchise within
Glasgow presents ample space to launch and expand your franchise within that cater all different franchise sectors. For example, the Pacific Quay boasts 14.5 hectares of land available for franchises and businesses alike within the retail and leisure franchise sectors. There is also Creative Clyde that hosts ‘The Hub’ that allows interconnectivity between London for business owners and franchisees seeking to share their time within these two cities. Most recently, The Space set up in Glasgow City centre and boasts 80 desks for business owners to operate within adequate settings.
Additional locations to set up your franchise within include;
- Watermark Business Park
- The Briggait
- South Block
- Buchanan Park
- Hillington Business Park
- Spiersbridge Business Park
- Glasgow Business Park
- Hillington Innovation Centre
- West of Scotland Science Park
Access to staff to help push your franchise
Glasgow is unique in the fact that it hosts four different universities within 10 miles of Glasgow City Centre. These higher education institutes are the University of Strathclyde, University of Glasgow, University of the West of Scotland and the Glasgow Caledonian University. All four institutes provide a fantastic opportunity for local business and franchises to gain access to valuable skilled workers to help elevate their respective franchise. There is also the Skills and Business Growth programme that assists in obtaining a training grant.
Access to Business Support and Funding for your Franchise
One key provider of support is the Scottish Enterprise that assists companies and franchise situated in or relocating to, Scotland. So, anyone seeking to launch their franchise within Glasgow would be able to take advantage of this initiative. This scheme offers free advice, arranges training and helps connects you with relevant players within your industry.
There is also the Entrepreneurial Spark accelerator programme that has to date raised more than £17m and helped employ 422 staff members. Business Support is also readily available from two of the city’s science parks;
In terms of obtaining funding to help launch your franchise, the West of Scotland Loan Fund offers gap funding of up to £30,000 for businesses that can demonstrate growth potential and will become sustainable and will support Glasgow’s economy.
In terms of support for commercial premises, The Glasgow New Business Fund offers rental subsidies over a three-year period. This foundation also offers targeted business support.
A fantastic initiative to be taken advantage of is the Glasgow Council universal start-up grant of £1,000 that is applicable for start-ups in the first six months of trading. This is available to all new businesses within the city.
Glasgow truly is a fantastic city to both live in and launch a business, with ample opportunity and support to expand your prospective franchise.
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